H hā l lóu d dà Ji jiā H hǎo w wy yòu l lái G gěi d dà Ji jiā Ji jiǎng w wde sh shǎng Hu huó Hello, everyone, Im here to tell you about my life again
zhī zhōng fā shēng le yī xiē xiǎo gù shì le jiù shì yǒu kě néng nǐ men
There are some little stories, that is, maybe you Hu huì H hěn f fán R rán H hòu B bù Xi xiǎng t tīng d dàn sh shì w wji jiù R rěn B bù zh zhù w wji jiù will be very annoyed, and then you dont want to hear it, but I cant help it. Im just sh shì Xi xiǎng Shu shuō zh zhǎn de R rán H hòu m měi Ti tiān ne Ji jiù sh shì R rén ma du duì B bā Hu huó to say the truth, and then every day, its people, right? Live zhe sh shì sh á Hu huó zhe Ji jiù Xi xiàng sh shì n nà G gè X xì Q qū y yī y yàng B bx xì Q qū n nà what is alive, just like the opera, than the opera.
gè rén shēng jiù shì bǐ diàn shì jù hái jīng cǎi zán jiù shì shuō shì bā
Personal life is more wonderful than a TV play. Lets just say, n nmen Shu shuō ne n nmen R rèn w wé I n nmen Z zì J jde R rén sh shēng Ji jiù sh shì w w, what do you think? You think that your own life is me ju jué d dé y Yu Xi Xixi R rén de R rén sh shēng zh zhēn de sh shì B bn nà G gè di di àn sh shì J jù y ǎn ch chū think that some peoples life is really more than that TV show l lái de H hái. Y y à o n n à G gè G Gu Xu Xu è H hé Zhu zhuā m mzh zhēn de R rán H hòu Ji jiù sh shì, and the dogs blood and the horse, really, Then its m měi Ti tiān B bù sh shì Z zán men X xhu huān Shu shuān nàg gè Xi xiǎo sh shì p pín Z zán men Ji jiù K kě every day. We can y YK kàn d dào R rén Ji jiā Ji jiù sh shì Shu shuō sh shì n nàg gè sh shén me sh shén me zh zhè le n nàle to see people, that is to say, that what is this and that de du duì B bā zh zhēn de H hěn. Zhu zhuā m MH hǎo ma Ji jiā R rén men, right? Its really good to catch a horse, right? Families.
jì rán wǒ men liáo dào le diàn shì jù zhè gè huà tí nà jiù
Now that were on the subject of TV drama,
bù dé bù dé bù tí wǒ xiǎo shí hòu kàn de gēn wǒ mā mā yī qǐ kàn
I have to mention that I watched it with my mother when I was a kid.
nà xiē diàn shì jù le zán jiù shì shuō gěi zán yìn xiàng zhōng zuì shēn kè
Those TV plays, I mean, gave me the deepest impression.
de nà gè diàn shì jù wǒ xiāng xìn dà jiā xiàn zài dōu jì yì yóu xīn
I believe that the TV play is still fresh in everyones memory.
bā wǒ shuō qǐ zhè gè míng zì jiù shì ài lì de nà gè jiào shén me
Okay, I said that name is whats the name of Ellies?
jiào shá lái zhe ài qíng shuì xǐng le bù duì bù duì bù duì zhè shì lìng
Whats it called? Love woke up. No, no, no. This is another one.
yī gè diàn shì jù wàng le bù hǎo yì sī fǎn zhèng zhè gè jù míng wǒ
Im sorry that I forgot a TV play. Anyway, the name of the play is mine.
shì wàng le dàn shì zhè gè jù qíng wǒ zhēn de hěn zhuā mǎ jiù shì nǚ
I forgot, but I really caught the horse in this plot, that is, the woman.
zhǔ jiǎo hǎo xiàng jiào shén me shén me dōng xī lái zhe wàng le shén me rú
The main character seems to be called something, and I forgot something.
bā hǎo xiàng shì wǒ shì zhēn de wàng le dàn shì nà gè ài lì wǒ shì
Okay, its like I really forgot, but that Ally I was
zhēn zhēn de jì dé hěn qīng chǔ jiù shì zhè gè ài lì jiù shì hǎo xiàng
I really remember it very clearly. Its this Ellie. Its like.
shì fù mǔ shuāng wáng rán hòu jiù shì bèi zhè gè nǚ zhǔ de fù mǔ hǎo
His parents died, and then he was treated by the womans parents.
xiàng shōu yǎng le rán hòu tā men jiù shì tā men zhè gè nǔ zhǔ ā jiù
Its like adoption, and then they are their women, ah.
shì bù zhǐ zhǐ yǒu tā men liǎng gè hái yǒu yī gè gē gē rán hòu tā
Its not just the two of them, theres a brother, and then he
zhè gè jiù shì nǚ zhǔ de fù mǔ yóu yú jiù shì gōng bù qǐ sān gè
This is the womans parents, because they cant afford three.
hái zǐ shàng xué rán hòu jiù ràng tā men sān gè xuǎn zé shuí gōng zuò shuí
The children go to school, and then let the three of them choose who will work.
shàng xué rán hòu nà gè ài lì jiù shì yīn wéi tā shì shōu yǎng de ma
She went to school, and then Ally was adopted.
tā jiù bǐ jiào zhǔ dòng yī diǎn gēn tā men shuō shì wǒ qù bā rán hòu